"The wall is a training ground, half of a tennis court, composed simply of that—a wall and a few lines to practice tennis. This is how it looks—my wall, my constant reminder to cultivate patience and to keep practicing, always."
The Wall
La Catrina
"She is not only an icon of Posada's work; but also the nickname of my wife, as well as the name of her favorite craft beer. Though I'm not a fan of beer myself, I do love the labels and coasters they create. This is how we envision our beer, 'La Catrina."
"This poster is inspired by my sister and her second marathon. The NYCM is undoubtedly a race on my bucket list, and after I returned to the world of sports, thanks to her motivation, the least I could do to celebrate her achievement was to frame it. This is a reminder that discipline is more than just putting one foot in front of the other, and in front of that, another."
"This one is deeply personal for me. In fact, it's not even finished, and I don't think it will be for quite some time. Perhaps a vodka tonic will eventually open up that conversation."
Feria de San Marcos
"This was the result of an exercise to break out of a creative 'block' I was facing. Practicing some fundamentals and playing around with ideas purely for fun, while drawing inspiration for the project I was working on at the time."